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  • Student activity
  • CSE PR Team
  • Student activity

PR Team introduction Welcome to the School of Computer Science and Engineering at Kyungpook National University IT University.


Kyungpook National University School of Computer Science and Engineering, PR center!

The School of Computer Science and Engineering's PR team is in charge of online publicity through social media and various media, as well as promoting it widely both internally and externally.
External public members (middle and high school students) serve as public relations guides for the School of Computer Science and Engineering and help in choosing majors and career paths.

Video team introduction

Information from the School of Computer Science and Engineering more vividly, Video Team

The video team is in charge of video promotion for all PR groups, from video planning to filming, editing, and uploading. He also manages the Youtube channel of the School of Computer Science and Engineering.
From information for high school students who want to go on to the School of Computer Science and Engineering, we produce videos that will be helpful to students in the School of Computer Science and Engineering.

March 2021 - February 2022
open lab video 8 Upload a total of 26 videos
2021 OT related video 6 pieces
Other informational video 12 pieces
  • Computer Science Open Lab
    Promotional Video

    • Introduction of the laboratory through an interview with the professor
  • The story of those who passed the comprehensive screening of the
    School of Computer Science and Engineering

    • Student Pass Comprehensive Testimonials
    • Student Record Passing Course
    • Handwriting of passing the on-time screening
  • Undergraduate life and
    Career information video

    • graduate interview video
    • Laptop comparison video by operating system
    • North Gate - Shortest distance to Yongbok
    • Graduation Track Introduction
  • Computer Science
    Interesting Video

    • relay coding
    • Find Glutton in Simcom
    • How to do assignments by mbti

SNS/Webzine Team Introduction

Information of the School of Computer Science and Engineering more friendly, SNS/Webzine Team

The SNS/Webzine team publishes notices and useful information within the School of Computer Science and Engineering on Instagram and Facebook using card news.
In addition, they play the role of reporters who create a webzine on the faculty's website every month by selecting an issue within the faculty and post it on the faculty website.

  • Card news production

    • Ask anything card news
    • Freshman & Undergraduate Student Q&A Card News
    • GLSOOP & SIMCOM Curriculum Comparison Card News
    • Undergraduate club introduction card news
    • Student Software Tips Card News
  • Computer department webzine production

  • Upload SNS notice

Webmaster Team Introduction

Information of the School of Computer Science and Engineering more conveniently, Webmaster Team

The webmaster team manages the department website, where all information within the department is posted.
Through regular meetings with the professor in charge, he is in charge of all technical management from the UI of the homepage to the database.

  • Promotional material update
    Every 2 months

    • Posted in the 'News' section of the undergraduate website
  • Create webzine
    bulletin board

  • FAQ board