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  • Education
  • Education

Basic information on college entrance examinations in 2025

※ This site summarizes admission information, so please visit the Kyungpook National University Admissions Information Site (https://ipsi1.knu.ac.kr) for detailed and accurate admission information.

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Recruitment Unit School of Computer Science and Engineering Subtotal
Platform SW Major
Data Science Major
Artificial Intelligence Computing Major Global SW Convergence Major
Entrance Quota 65 48 91 204
Recruitment Type Rolling Admissions Within Quota 48 37 69 154
Beyond Quota 4 1 4 9
Regular Admissions Within Quota Group A 13 10 - 23
Group B - - 18 18
Subtotal Within Quota 61 47 87 195
Beyond Quota 4 1 4 9
Total 65 48 91 204
  • The story of students who passed the course screening for the Department of Computer Science

  • The story of those who passed the comprehensive screening of the Computer Science Department

  • The story of those who passed the regular entrance exam for the Department of Computer Science

  • Introduction to computer students' laptops


  • 7
    How is it different from the traditional computer science department?
  • 6
    What do you mainly learn?
  • 5
    What are your plans for employment?
  • 4
    Isn't it difficult to study when a liberal arts student who has relatively difficulty in math enters?
  • 3
    What is the difference between the Artificial Intelligence Computing Major in the Department of Computer Science and the Artificial Intelligence Major in the Electronic Engineering Department?
  • 2
    What are the characteristics of the curriculum for each recruitment unit in the Department of Computer Science?
  • 1
    Are there any differences in the career paths of graduates by recruitment unit?
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