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  • Education
  • Artificial Intelligence Computing Major
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Curriculum Welcome to the School of Computer Science and Engineering at Kyungpook National University IT University.

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컴퓨터학부 인공지능컴퓨팅전공 교육과정(2023학년도 기준)

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학년 구분 1학기 2학기
과목번호 교과목명
학점 체계 과목번호 교과목명
학점 체계
1 Refinement CLTR0205 대학글쓰기
(Basic Writing)
3-3-0 CLTR0003 실용화법
(Practical Narrative)
CLTR0045 논리와 비판적 사고
(Logic and Critical Thinking)
3-3-0 CLTR0211 수학 Ⅰ
(Calculus Ⅰ)
CLTR0819 기초수학2
(Basic Mathematics 2)
3-3-0 - - -
Major COMP0453 컴퓨팅사고와 SW코딩
(Computational Thinking and SW coding)
3-2-2 COMP0454 인공지능수학기초
(Mathematics for AI)
신규 인공지능과컴퓨팅
(AI and Computing)
3-3-0 COMP0204 프로그래밍 기초
(Programming for Beginners)
COME0301 이산수학
(Discrete Mathematics)
3-3-0 COMP0205 기초창의공학설계
(Creative Engineering Design)
2 Refinement FUTR0208 미래산업과 직업선택
(Future Technology and Job Market)
KUN 미래설계
3-3-0 CLTR0246 일반생명과학 Ⅰ
(Biological Science Ⅰ)
Major MTED0231 선형대수
(Linear Algebra)
3-3-0 COME0311 확률 및 통계
(Probability & Statistics)
COME0331 자료구조
(Data Structure)
3-3-0 ITEC0419 데이터과학기초
(introduction to Data Science)
COMP0216 자료구조응용
(Data Structure Applications)
3-2-2 COMP0324 인공지능
(Artificial Intelligence)
COMP0217 자바프로그래밍
(Java Programming)
3-2-2 COMP0312 운영체제
(Operating Systems)
COMP0411 컴퓨터구조
(Computer Architectures)
3-3-0 ELEC0462 시스템프로그래밍
(System Programming)
COMP0315 오토마타및형식언어
(Automata Formal Language)
3-0-0 COMP0224 소프트웨어설계
(Software Design)
3 Refinement CLTR0264 소셜네트워크
(Social Networks)
3-3-0 CLTR0212 수학 Ⅱ
(Calculus Ⅱ)
Major ITEC 기계학습개론
(Introduction to Machine Learning)Required
3-3-0 MOBI0224 딥러닝
(Deep Learning)
CAIB0233 영상이해
(Understanding of Images)
3-3-0 CAIB0211 자연어처리개론
(introduction to Natural Language Processing)
COMP0321 컴파일러
3-3-0 ITEC0424 컴퓨터비전
(Computer Vision)
GLSO0215 오픈소스프로그래밍
(Open Source Programming)
3-2-2 CAIB0216 강화학습개론
(Introduction to Reinforcement Learning)
COMP0319 알고리즘1
(Algorithms 1)
3-3-0 COMP0322 데이타베이스
(Database Management Systems)
COMP0323 데이타통신
(Data Communications)
3-3-0 ITEC0401 종합설계프로젝트1
(Capstone Design Project)
4 Refinement FUTR0201 기업가정신과 벤처창업
(Entrepreneurship and Venture Creation)
3-3-0 CLTR0078 심리학의 이해
(Understanding of Psychology)
Major COMP0462 데이터마이닝이론및응용
(Datamining Theory and Applications)
3-3-0 COMP0457 의료인공지능
(Medical Al)
MBIO0402 생물정보학개론
(Introduction to Bioinformatics)
3-3-0 CAIB0224 정보이론기초
(Introduction to Information Theory)
COMP0419 정보검색
(Information Retrieval)
3-3-0 COMP0455 지능HCI
(Intelligent Human-Computer Interface)
신규 인공지능수학심화
(Advanced Mathematics for AI)
3-3-0 ITEC0514 뇌인지공학개론
(Introduction to Brain and Cognitive Engineering)
CAIB0222 인공지능시스템
(Artificial Intelligence Systems)
3-3-0 COMP0436 증강현실
(Augmented Reality)
CAIB0234 신경망개론
(Introduction to Neural Networks)
3-3-0 COMP0328 모바일앱프로그래밍1
(Mobile App Programming 1)
CAIB0225 음성인식
(Speech recognition)
3-3-0 COME0368 정보보호론
(Theory of Information Security)
COMP0414 컴퓨터망
(Computer Networks)
3-3-0 ITEC0418 대규모병렬컴퓨팅
(Massively Parallel Computing)
ITEC0415 고급문제해결
(Advanced Problem Solving)
3-2-2 GLSO0227 클라우드컴퓨팅
(Cloud Computing)
COMP0460 문제해결기반 공학연수실습(컴퓨터학)
(Problem-based Engineering Training Experiment:Computer Science & Engineering)
2-1-2 신규 AI심화글쓰기
(Technical writing in AI)

Curriculum for Artificial Intelligence Computing in the School of Computer Science and Engineering (as of 2024)

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Grade Division First semester Second semester
Course number Subject name
(English name)
Credit system Course number Subject name
(English name)
Credit system
1 Refinement CLTR0205 Basic Writing 3-3-0 CLTR0003 Practical Narrative 3-3-0
CLTR0045 Logic and Critical Thinking 3-3-0 CLTR0211 Calculus Ⅰ 3-3-0
CLTR0819 Basic Mathematics 2 3-3-0 - - -
Major COMP0453 Computational Thinking and SW coding Required 3-2-2 COMP0454 Mathematics for AI Required 3-3-0
신규 AI and Computing 3-3-0 COMP0204 Programming for Beginners 6-4-4
COME0301 Discrete Mathematics 3-3-0 COMP0205 Creative Engineering Design 3-2-2
2 Refinement - - - CLTR0246 Biological Science Ⅰ 3-3-0
General Selection FUTR0208 Future Technology and Job Market 3-3-0 - - -
Major MTED0231 Linear Algebra 3-3-0 COME0311 Probability & Statistics 3-3-0
COME0331 Data Structure Required 3-3-0 ITEC0419 introduction to Data Science 3-3-0
COMP0216 Data Structure Applications 3-2-2 COMP0324 Artificial Intelligence Required 3-3-0
COMP0217 Java Programming 3-2-2 COMP0312 Operating Systems 3-3-0
COMP0411 Computer Architectures 3-3-0 ELEC0462 System Programming 3-2-2
COMP0315 Automata Formal Language 3-0-0 COMP0224 Software Design 3-3-0
3 Refinement CLTR0264 Social Networks
3-3-0 CLTR0212 Calculus Ⅱ 3-3-0
Major ITEC Introduction to Machine LearningRequired 3-3-0 MOBI0224 Deep Learning 3-3-0
CAIB0233 Understanding of Images 3-3-0 CAIB0211 introduction to Natural Language Processing 3-3-0
COMP0321 Compiler 3-3-0 ITEC0424 Computer Vision 3-3-0
GLSO0215 Open Source Programming 3-2-2 CAIB0216 Introduction to Reinforcement Learning 3-3-0
COMP0319 Algorithms 1 Required 3-3-0 COMP0322 Database Management Systems 3-2-2
COMP0323 Data Communications 3-3-0 ITEC0401 Capstone Design Project 4-3-2
4 Refinement - - - CLTR0078 Understanding of Psychology 3-3-0
General Selection FUTR0201 Entrepreneurship and Venture Creation 3-3-0 - - -
Major COMP0462 Datamining Theory and Applications 3-3-0 COMP0457 Medical Al 3-3-0
MBIO0402 Introduction to Bioinformatics 3-3-0 CAIB0224 Introduction to Information Theory 3-3-0
COMP0419 Information Retrieval 3-3-0 COMP0455 Intelligent Human-Computer Interface 3-3-0
COMP0219 Advanced Mathematics for AI 3-3-0 ITEC0514 Introduction to Brain and Cognitive Engineering 3-3-0
CAIB0222 Artificial Intelligence Systems 3-3-0 COMP0436 Augmented Reality 3-3-0
CAIB0234 Introduction to Neural Networks 3-3-0 COMP0328 Mobile App Programming 1 3-2-2
CAIB0225 Speech recognition 3-3-0 COME0368 Theory of Information Security 3-3-0
COMP0414 Computer Networks 3-3-0 ITEC0418 Massively Parallel Computing 3-3-0
ITEC0415 Advanced Problem Solving 3-2-2 GLSO0227 Cloud Computing 3-3-0
COMP0460 Problem-based Engineering Training Experiment:Computer Science & Engineering) 2-1-2 New Technical writing in AI 3-3-0

프로그램 입학정보

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AI입문 구분 1학기 2학기
학년 과목번호 과목명 학점체계 과목번호 과목명 학점
1 신규 인공지능과컴퓨팅 3-3-0 COMP0454 인공지능수학기초 3-3-0
2 - - - COMP0324 인공지능 3-3-0
2 - - - ITEC0419 데이터과학기초 3-3-0
3 ITEC0417 기계학습개론 3-3-0 - - -
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AI응용컴퓨팅 구분 1학기 2학기
학년 과목번호 과목명 학점체계 과목번호 과목명 학점
3 CAIB0233 영상이해 3-3-0 CAIB0211 자연어처리개론 3-3-0
- - - - ITEC0424 컴퓨터비전 3-3-0
4 CAIB0225 음성인식 3-3-0 - - -
4 CAIB0222 인공지능시스템 3-3-0 - - -

※자세하고 정확한 입학정보는 경북대학교 입학정보사이트(https://ipsi1.knu.ac.kr)를 방문하셔서 확인하시기 바랍니다.