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Greetings Welcome to the School of Computer Science and Engineering at Kyungpook National University IT University.

Welcome to Kyungpook National University's School of Computer Science and Engineering at College of IT Engineering website. I hope that you will realize your big dreams and create new values ​​in the era of the 4th industrial revolution.

I'm Kyong-Hoon Kim, a professor at the School of Computer Science and Engineering at College of IT Engineering.

It is a story that comes up a lot in the news and media, but we are now going through the 4th industrial revolution. With the development of computer and information and communication technologies, it is an era in which convergence technologies that combine these and traditional technologies bring about a completely revolutionary change.

For example, the combination of computer, communication technology, and biological knowledge has brought human body information into the digital world, and new products such as smart watches and smart bands have emerged and are used by everyone. Not to mention, it is now an era where even a scale can smartly tell you what kind of exercise you should do and how much.

The core of the 4th industrial revolution lies in fully automating industrial production methods and maximizing interconnectivity through the application of computer technology including artificial intelligence. Just as one machine replaced hundreds of workers in the first industrial revolution in the past, computer programs may now replace hundreds, thousands, or tens of thousands of experts.

The School of Computer Science and Engineering at College of IT Engineering is riding the wave of the 4th industrial revolution and advancing towards more advanced ICT technology. In particular, in the era of the 4th industrial revolution, simple memorization ability or claims about vested interests become meaningless, and it requires a challenging spirit that does not hesitate to find a new path and pioneer this path only with limitless imagination and creativity.

However, imagination, creativity and challenging spirit alone cannot solve problems. Our School of Computer Science and Engineering intends to provide and provide an educational environment that emphasizes both, nurturing creativity and a spirit of challenge, while providing a wealth of basic knowledge and basic skills necessary to solve problems.

In the era of the 4th industrial revolution, which started with the development of computers, we hope that all members can enjoy the affluent world brought by new technologies and maximize the new opportunities. Through this, we expect that our members, especially students, will realize their big dreams and create new values ​​that have not been seen in the world, and I believe that they will come true.

I wish you health and happiness always.
thank you

School of Computer Science and Engineering, Kyungpook National University

Professor KyongHoon Kim