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[특강] 김동규 박사 초청 세미나

페이지 정보

작성자 임초록 댓글 조회 작성일 11-04-25 09:58


김동규 박사 초청세미나

일시: 2011. 5. 3(화) 오후 6시부터 8시까지

장소: 경북대학교 IT대학 4호관 101호 세미나실

제목: Behavior Based Criminal Tracking Framework using Ontology

강연요약: One of the main challenges in building healthcare applications has

been to balance between general functionality and

domain/scenario-specific customization. The lack of formal ways to

extract, distill, and standardize the embedded domain knowledge has

been a barrier to minimizing the cost of customization. Using

ontology, as many would hope, will give application builders the much

needed methodology and standard to achieve the objective of building

flexible medical solutions. However, even with a rich amount of

research and quite a few excellent results on designing and building

ontologies such as SNOMED-CT, there are still gaps to be filled for

actual deployment of the technology and concept in a real life

healthcare environment. The problems are hard especially in those

applications that require well-defined semantics in mission critical


Technology and industries are quickly making a domain specific

ontology for any healthcare organization that wishes to remain

competitive. Providing a flexible and extensible “Behavior Pattern

Ontology” meets the challenges posed by both industry and government

for making a decision based on human activities such as crimes and

social violence and makes effectively improve human behavior related

information systems to increase the healthcare facility’s competitive


초청자: 김일곤 교수



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