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공지사항 공지사항

일반공지 [SA] 해외인턴모집

페이지 정보

작성자 임초록 댓글 조회 작성일 12-04-13 13:32


실리콘벨리에 있는 괜찮은 회사에서 인턴 공고가 있어서 지원자를 모집하려고 합니다.

아래 내용 참고하셔서 우수한 학생 추천해주세요. 이력서는 19일까지 사업단(imgreen@knu.ac.kr)로 보내주시면 수합하여 NIPA로 전달됩니다.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

즐거운 하루 보내세요.


Founded in 1979 and located in the Silicon Valley area, this company is a leading provider of computing and storage solutions. The company provides appliance manufacturing, high performance computing, global logistics, RMA refurbishing, turnkey development, and technology partners. This company has 150 employees.

Host Company Profile: IT Company

Location: Fremont, CA

Position: HPC Engineer (2 positions available)

Hourly Rate: $12-$18/hour (depending on experience)

Program length: 12-18 months

Position Description:

- In depth study on customers requirements, the technology trend and the HPC products offered by competitors

- In depth study on latest technologies and products provided by HPC HW/SW suppliers

- Setting up testing environment for validating, benchmarking HPC solutions as well as latest SW/HW components from suppliers

- Pre-sales engineering support for HPC projects

- Performing analysis on customers specific HPC applications and providing technical knowhow on performance optimization. This includes research on application software coding, system tuning techniques and benchmark optimization methodologies

- Joining customer meetings with sales team and answer HPC related technical questions

- Preparing technical documentation for project proposals

- After-sales engineering support for HPC projects

- Working with HPC engineering team, performing in house or onsite installation of HPC clusters as well as other solutions such as CloudMax appliance

- Providing support to production on HPC solution trouble shooting, benchmarking and quality assurance related technical issue

Position Requirements:

Candidates must have excellent English skills (both written and verbal)

Candidates must be familiar with RAID, HPC server, storage, cluster, Linux and Windows operating systems, and cluster management applications such as Rocks+, Bright Computing management suite, Platform Computing, and Windows HPC Server 2008.



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