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공지사항 공지사항

대학원 Transnational co-operation in developing health care quality and patie…

페이지 정보

작성자 김은숙 댓글 조회 작성일 19-04-25 18:15


Aim of the seminar:

In this seminar the results of the projects previous phases are summarized and presented. The aim is to find out what are the most important and fruitful outcomes of this project from the viewpoint of future co-operation between the two partners. Also stake holders related to health care safety issues from the fields of health care, business and IT are invited to this seminar to brainstorm potential future projects and innovations.


Tuesday 21.5.2019 Location: IT Building 5, room 324


Program issue



Wellcome to Kyungpook National University

Greetings from Metropolia

Dean Päivi Haapasalmi (Metropolia)

Director Seok-Joo Koh (KNU)

10.40- 11.20

Health care safety in South Korea

Prof. Eunjoo Lee (KNU Johns Hopkins Univ.)

11.20- 12.00

SACU-project aims and outcomes

Project manager Eija Metsälä Metropolia

12.00- 13:30

Lunch Break

13.30- 14:00

How to reach people at remote areas – some Finnish solutions

Prof Marianne Pitkäjärvi

14:00- 14:30

Nursing informatics and patient safety

Prof. Bu Kyung Park (KNU)



Strategy for invigorating smart healthcare services to support patient safety

Prof. GyeWan Moon (KNU)

16:00 – 17:00

KNU Chilgok Hospital Study visit

Prof. Il Kon Kim (KNU)

18:00 -

Social program

Prof. Il Kon Kim (KNU)

Wednesday 22.5.2019

1. DGIST (https://www.dgist.ac.kr/en/)

Professor Hongsoo Chois Lab Visit


2. seobu geriatrics hospital Visit


3. Haeinsa Temple Visit


The Tripiṭaka Koreana (lit. Goryeo Tripiṭaka) or Palman Daejanggyeong ("Eighty-Thousand Tripiṭaka") is a Korean collection of the Tripiṭaka (Buddhist scriptures, and the Sanskrit word for "three baskets"), carved onto 81,258 wooden printing blocks in the 13th century




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