프로그램 분석 연구실

김동선 교수

Dongsun Kim

공대 9호관 418호

About Lab.

The objective of the SoDA group is to make “bug-free software”. To achieve this objective, this group is working on automated debugging, with a focus on specific topics such as program repair based on deep learning, preventive debugging, code search for patches, and mining fix patterns with code embedding. In addition, the research group pioneered a new research area called “pattern-based program repair” and co-developed PAR, LSRepair, TBar, iFixR, and AVATAR, automatic patch generation tools, which can fix program bugs by using common fix patterns. In addition, my contributions include CoCaBu and FaCoY, code search tools, which can identify syntactically and semantically similar code fragments from open-source software projects in world-wide code bases such as GitHub.

About Prof.


  • 현재: 경북대학교 컴퓨터학부 조교수
  • 2019-2020: Furiosa.ai, Software Engineer
  • 2013-2018: 룩셈부르크대학교, SnT, 선임연구원
  • 2010-2013: 홍콩과학기술대학교, 박사후 연구원

주요 연구분야

  • Software Engineering, Program Analysis
  • Automated Program Repair